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What does it mean to be a BPL leader....??

11-09-2014 16:44
Well, it is difficult to explain in simple sentenses....or explain in words.
I could say that it is people that takes their projects beyond, that make their teams succeed bigger and better, that have this strong inner core and know what they are going for. But it is like words just doesn't catch it.....
However; people that have been on BPL - or any other of Pathfinders programs - they know what it means to be a BPL leader! They know exactly the feeling of "being there", go with the flow and exceeds expectations. Even exceeding your own expectations now and then.
They recall that feeling in the moment they see a picture as the one of the team here.
Can you remeber that feeling?
Do you still have it? Or do you need to sharpen it a little.....? Honestly...
Take part in the discussion between BPLs on what 'IT' is, and how to maintain it. You can do it here or by going to the BPL group at either LinkedIn or Facebook. Contribute, inspire - and get inspired!


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