/ Effective task solving
I want so much to go....

Effective task solving

When solving tasks, Michèle uses the mindset that characterize the BPL training courses - and the result-oriented and businesslike approach she has from her background in the engineering industry.
When applying to Michèle with a task, she will typically ask you what the goal is - what picture of the result do you have in mind?
Next, she will ask about those things that can tell her about your current state. Are there any procedures and rules to be followed? Are there certain issues to take into account? What is the story of the task? How much time do you have?
All of it to find out what you think the 'Conceptual Design' for solving the task should be, and also to know what Michèle's role and responsibility should be.
Depending on the size of the task, Michèle will typically return with a 'Basic Design' for the task solving so that you can make an arrangement and get started.
About Changes
One of the first questions you as a leader must ask yourself, when you want to make a change, is whether it is about making an adjustment of something existing or we have to find new ways.
The same question is also useful if you want a special task solved. Do you need extra working capacity for a while to solve something concrete? Do you need help to see the problem in a different light? Or is it a combination that you need?
Those are also typical questions Michèle will ask you, when you meet.
Beyond Project Leadership - Træning i Ledelse  | Phone: +45 5364 8213 | info@beyondprojectleadership.dk